Virtualization Technology News and Information
VirtaMove Announces Native Support for the "Big Three" Clouds Azure, AWS and GCP
VirtaMove announced that its Application Migration automation technology supports workload migration to the "Big Three" clouds: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Compute Platform (GCP). VirtaMove provides a dedicated version of V-Maestro, a GUI-based orchestration product, that is supported in the cloud in each of these "big three" cloud versions. The software also provides a library of migration templates that can speed application migrations for legacy Windows Servers to a modern green-field cloud-hosted Windows operating system like WS2012 or WS2016.

VirtaMove Migration Intelligence (MI) Suite is a comprehensive and innovative family of software products that orchestrates, monitors, and migrates Windows Server applications to a newer OS, in any cloud. Migration Intelligence products allow you to migrate applications from inhouse servers to the cloud and intelligently re-use migration templates for even greater efficiency and portability. The MI Suite also provides provisioning capabilities for creating the optimal destination environment in the cloud.

"VirtaMove offers a way to provision an appropriately sized OS instance under each hypervisor cloud instance," says CEO Nigel Stokes. "We offer the means to right-size your workload in the cloud of your choice, without lock-in."

VirtaMove's software has become the ultimate Windows Server application mover, the leader in container-based, enterprise application migration. MI Suite, which is available on an annual subscription basis, includes:

  • V-Maestro - an orchestration product that provides visual insight and a cluster analysis of your network servers and all the apps they're running, so you can monitor and modernize the smart way.
  • V-Monitor - a server monitoring product that discovers and analyses your apps, captures how they're used, and builds migration templates, so you can plan, size, and prioritize your migration project.
  • V-Migrate - a container-based migration tool, which eliminates the need to manually reinstall and reconfigure apps or "lift and shift" entire server images using P2V tools.
Published Tuesday, July 10, 2018 2:12 PM by David Marshall
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<July 2018>