Virtualization Technology News and Information
SnapLogic 2019 Predictions: 3 Ways Data Will Continue to Transform Your Business

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2019.  Read them in this 11th annual series exclusive.

Contributed by James Markarian, CTO, SnapLogic

3 Ways Data Will Continue to Transform Your Business

The AI hype reached new heights in 2018, but most businesses fall flat in actualizing AI because they don't have a handle on their data. As enterprises shift to the cloud, they still haven't adapted their tools and methods to fully take advantage of this new era. Against this backdrop, here are three big data and analytics trends for enterprises to keep an eye on as we move into 2019.

1. The CIO strikes back. The days of forgetting that the "I" in CIO stands for "information" are over. The CIO role will become more identified with leading a company's data and information strategy rather than infrastructure and security. Much like digitization and data have transformed the CMO role, the CIO role will be unrecognizable from its current form in a few years. We can expect this process to pick up steam in 2019.

2. Data Science claims its place as Strategic Data Command. Traditional intelligence tools and platforms do a good job of providing operational insight and reporting. Data science has an opportunity to help with weak signal processing - information that comes from the market, from field personnel and from customer support, and which can guide company strategy towards new opportunities or avoid potential disasters.

3. The Cloud is coming for your Data and Analytics. First it was your applications moving, but the cloud isn't satisfied. It's now coming for your data and analytics - and you'll be glad it did. Metered, scale-out solutions and proximity to application data that's now based in the cloud make this an easy one to swallow. Universal access to data, complete browser-based analytics and high-performance, flexible architectures will make us wonder how we ever functioned before.


About the Author


James Markarian is Chief Technology Officer at data and application integration company SnapLogic. He was formerly CTO of Informatica, where he guided the company's technology strategy for 15+ years. Previously, he was an Entrepreneur in Residence at Khosla Ventures and senior developer and product leader at Oracle. He has a B.A. in Computer Science and a B.A. and M.A. in Economics from Boston University.

Published Thursday, December 06, 2018 7:29 AM by David Marshall
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<December 2018>