Virtualization Technology News and Information
Data Expedition 2019 Predictions: Accelerated Data Transport

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2019.  Read them in this 11th annual series exclusive.

Contributed by Seth Noble, PhD, Founder and CEO, Data Expedition, Inc.

Accelerated Data Transport

My predictions for 2018 were about improving stability and value for data transport to the cloud, data storage, and application deployment. Looking to the New Year, I predict the following:

1)      The gigabit barrier:  Gigabit WAN connectivity is becoming common, even to the home, and demand for multigigabit is growing with the appetite for cloud services.  But transitioning systems and devices above 1 gigabit per second requires a lot more than just a faster network card.  Consumer and most commercial hardware have severe bottlenecks that make achieving reliable super gigabit data rates difficult.  No common operating systems ship with multi-gigabit ready configurations and TCP is simply incapable of scaling to such speeds on public networks.  In 2019, we are going to see demand for multi-gigabit performance run into these infrastructure barriers, placing pressure on system and service providers to address them.

2)      Non-public data distribution workflows will come home.  Egress fees make routing data through a public cloud provider expensive and the increased bandwidth of hosting data in the cloud can make those expenses difficult to predict and control.  Mass public distribution will still benefit from content delivery network functionality, whether that is in the cloud or traditional CDNs.  But, in 2019, intra-enterprise workflows that focus on distribution rather than processing will make their way back to on-premise data centers and egress friendly providers.

Data Expedition, Inc. is the creator of the industry's only intelligent data transport software. It automatically adapts to network variability to fully utilize any network path, maximizing the performance of existing infrastructure, while minimizing time and effort required - all at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. The company's patented Multipurpose Transaction Protocol® (MTPTM) technology uses unique flow-control and error-recovery algorithms to achieve high network efficiency across all IP networks. DEI has provided data transport solutions to the world's largest companies across nearly every continent and industry since 2000.


About the Author


Seth Noble, PhD, is the creator of the patented Multipurpose Transaction Protocol (MTP) technology and a top data transport expert. He is Founder and CEO of Data Expedition, Inc., with a dual BS-MS degree from Caltech, and a doctorate in computer science from the University of Oklahoma for work developing MTP.

Published Thursday, January 03, 2019 7:27 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2019>