Virtualization Technology News and Information
Yellowfin 2019 Predictions: The Top 3 BI Trends for the New Year

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2019.  Read them in this 11th annual series exclusive.

Contributed by Glen Rabie, CEO of Yellowfin BI

The Top 3 BI Trends for the New Year

Each year, we see new innovations and products come to market that enhance the way we work with data. I predict that 2019 will be no different. In fact, I believe 2019 has the potential to be a revolutionary year in the BI space. Here are my top three predictions for the new year.

1. The New Dashboard-Analytics Everywhere

For more than 30 years, the dashboard has been the delivery paradigm of choice for decision support and executive information systems. Today, the dashboard still continues to be the medium of data delivery for many vendors. However, I see this shifting in the coming year.

We are already seeing signs that the role of dashboards is changing. Many startup vendors in the BI space are not bound to dashboards, and some smaller vendors are looking into innovative methods of delivery for mobile and email. These vendors realize that users won't need a dashboard to receive an automated insight.

Rather, I think more vendors will begin to push content to where the users want and need to access analytics, such as embedding data into any application that makes sense-like email or a mobile device.

2. The Need and Want for Automation

We're in the early stages of a dramatic transition for the analytics industry. More and more of the jobs that were previously done by analysts are being automated, and technology is changing the way organizations receive information.

Part of this need for automation is being driven by a skills shortage in analytics. Currently, there's a huge demand for analytics, but not enough people equipped with the specific skillset. Similarly, everyone wants to do more with less. As a result, I predict we'll see a lot of products coming to the market this next year that feature automation.

3. The Return of Mobile BI

In the past, mobile BI has simply replicated the desktop experience. However, we've found this doesn't work. Most people I talk with use multiple devices and want different experiences on each device. The way we acquire and access information on a laptop is different than on a mobile device.

Likewise, vendors are beginning to think differently about mobile BI as their understanding of the mobile experience has become more sophisticated. This is driving vendors to find better solutions for delivering analytics on mobile devices. Because of this, I predict that mobile will return as the interface of choice in 2019-but with a different look.

With this in mind, I also think we'll see the text search interface disappear and be replaced by voice as vendors rethink mobile delivery. Just as people like the ease of Siri on their iPhone, we want the efficiency and convenience of voice in the field. No demand really exists for text-based queries. We see a greater use case for voice, especially when combined with mobile BI.

We're already seeing innovation in each of these trends emerging in our industry, and I think we'll see them takeoff in the coming year. We're constantly thinking of how we can transform the way we consume analytics, and 2019 is a year to look forward to in the BI space.


About the Author


Glen Rabie is the co-founder and CEO of Yellowfin, an Analytics and Business Intelligence software company focused on helping businesses understand their data.  Rabie is passionate about data and improving business performance through analytics.  Prior to starting Yellowfin, he worked in various roles at National Australia Bank including senior e-business consultant and global manager of employee self-service.  Rabie holds a Masters in Commerce from the University of Melbourne.

Published Monday, January 07, 2019 7:26 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2019>