Virtualization Technology News and Information
Kublr 2019 Predictions: Kubernetes Becomes a New IaaS+ and Accelerates Adoption of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Technologies

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2019.  Read them in this 11th annual series exclusive.

Contributed by Oleg Chunikhin, CTO at Kublr

Kubernetes Becomes a New IaaS+ and Accelerates Adoption of Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Technologies in 2019

2018 was a big year for Kubernetes. It was a year when Kubernetes went from a container orchestration framework to the container orchestration solution - a de-facto standard container management platform.

The Kubernetes target audience - IT development and operations teams - also matured along the path to containers adoption. While there was always a share of very advanced users, the general IT crowd shifted from generally learning what containers are and how they can help us, to researching container orchestration/Kubernetes solutions.

We have even seen some users with "been there, built that myself, now looking for a stable supported Kubernetes vendor" in their LinkedIn status. We see these trends continuing as the industry matures, plus here are a few of our predictions for the next year:

Increase of multi-cloud and hybrid use-cases: As companies expand their Kubernetes deployments, they'll start to move away from cloud specific deployment and monitoring solutions to multi-cloud solutions.

Rise in Kubernetes and cloud-native technologies adoption: Driven by the agility requirements of DevOps, multi-cloud/hybrid, and portability, Kubernetes and cloud-native adoption will experience exponential growth.

Kubernetes becomes an IaaS+: The perception of Kubernetes will shift from a tool that merely manages containers to the infrastructure that abstracts away the differences between multiple environments, becoming your private IaaS: generic, convenient, flexible, and extensible. It will also be used as IaaS+ running higher-level services such as cloud-native storage (e.g. Rook/Ceph), databases (Vitess and others), data science, data lakes, etc. This trend is powered by the need to support multi-cloud and hybrid deployments, and by the fact that Kubernetes is not only a great container orchestration framework, but it also provides a very convenient and flexible infrastructure abstraction, which is not limited to compute resources, but also covers storage, specialized computing (GPU, FPGA, etc.), and is flexible enough to support other types of devices. We would not be surprised if we see support for quantum computing in Kubernetes soon.

Increase of in-house cloud-native stack expertise: As more IT teams adopt Kubernetes or cloud-native/container orchestration platforms, cloud-native in-house expertise increases, translating into a better understanding of their actual cloud-native platform requirements.

More open source application stacks will run natively on Kubernetes: With a surge in Kubernetes adoption, we expect an ever-increasing number of well-known open source application stacks to be adapted to natively run in Kubernetes clusters (e.g. Spark, Hadoop, etc.).

Advancements in cloud-native storage and databases: We expect to see a continued development and increased maturity in cloud-native storage and databases, including those that can run on top of Kubernetes themselves, which would support the portability improvements and hybrid/multi-cloud deployments trend.

Cloud native application development and DevOps frameworks and tools: Tools and frameworks that support development of modern cloud native applications will become more mature and integrated; this includes microservices and serverless frameworks such as KNative, FN, Istio; and tools such as Spinnaker.


About the Author

Oleg Chunikhin 

Oleg Chunikhin, CTO at Kublr

With 20 years of software architecture and development experience, Kublr CTO Oleg Chunikhin is responsible for defining Kublr's technology strategy and standards. He has championed the standardization of DevOps in all Kublr does and is committed to driving adoption of container technologies and automation.

Oleg holds a Bachelor of Mathematics and a Master of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Novosibirsk State University, and is an AWS Certified Software Architect.

Published Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:15 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2019>