Virtualization Technology News and Information
CyberHat The Israeli Cyber-Defense Start-Up Raised $6 Million

CyberHat the Israeli Cyber-Security Start-Up announced today, the completion of a $6 million investment round by "Mangrove" investment fund.

The company currently provides the world's most advanced and professional SOC (Security Operations Center) called "CYREBRO", specializes in the attack field, investigative and forensics.

The investment will enable the company to continue expanding its existing business operations in the United States, Latin America, Europe and Asia. Meanwhile, CyberHat will continue its development of products and solutions for CYREBRO.                                        

CyberHat is a leading cyber Company that manages and has developed the world's most advanced SOC (CYREBRO) platform. CYREBRO monitors, locates and responds to cyber events in real time. CyberHat is the ONLY company offering a professional SOC platform, accessible to businesses of any size, industry or technology in the most advanced and efficient manner.

CyberHat currently employs 60 employees in Israel and in the USA. The company's teams are comprised of cyber experts with a variety of intelligence backgrounds, such as: Law Enforcement Organizations, Military Organizations, Private Sector Organizations, Experienced Hackers, Computer Crime Investigators, Intelligence and Cyber Experts.

Nadav Arbel, CEO of CyberHat, said: "In recent years, CyberHat has established its position as the providing clients with world's most advanced SOC solutions, Advanced Hacking Simulations, Cyber Readiness Assessments, and other cybersecurity solutions. CyberHat's clients include organizations of all sizes and fields, from fortune 500 companies, private companies compromised of thousands of employees to small businesses of dozens of employees and less. Among CyberHat's clients are internationals Financial Institutions, Technology Development Companies, National Power and Gas Infrastructures, Private Offices, Hedge Funds and more."

Arbel Added, "The investment will enable us to support our existing branches abroad, our business partners and to increase our team of experts in Israel. Simultaneously we will be investing in developing more solutions to our SOC, based on our extensive experience and research in the field."
Published Thursday, April 04, 2019 10:07 AM by David Marshall
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CyberHat The Israeli Cyber-Defense Start-Up Raised $6 Million - Cybercrime Today - (Author's Link) - April 4, 2019 11:34 AM
CyberHat The Israeli Cyber-Defense Start-Up Raised $6 Million - Cybercrime Today - (Author's Link) - April 4, 2019 11:34 AM
CyberHat, la startup isra??lienne de la cyberd??fense, a r??colt?? 6 millions de dollars. – IsraelValley - (Author's Link) - April 8, 2019 6:30 PM
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<April 2019>