Virtualization Technology News and Information
SolarWinds 2020 Predictions: Evolving Executives in an Evolving Industry

VMblog Predictions 2020 

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2020.  Read them in this 12th annual series exclusive.

By Leon Adato, Head Geek, SolarWinds

Evolving Executives in an Evolving Industry

Over the past year, we've seen a shift in the dynamic between technology specialists and the C-suite. While they once operated in siloes, it's becoming clear they need to work in tandem for an effective IT strategy. Whether it's modernizing legacy infrastructure, finding cost-effective alternatives, or anything in between, executives can lean on the expertise of IT professionals to drive optimal business performance moving forward.

Today's executives operate in a world dominated by services. The days of CapEx IT spend and yearly budgeting are behind us. Decision-making occurs not in years and quarters, but with an in-the-moment adaptability allowing executives to remain competitive in modern business environments.

These elements are changing the makeup of C-suites. We're seeing a shift away from boardrooms dominated by legacy executives as leadership becomes more encompassing of the skillsets needed to achieve success in today's technology-driven economies. As executives continue to evolve in 2020 and beyond, we can also expect to see a greater convergence between the C-suite and the IT department to identify common ground to achieve modernization, digitization, and transformation.

Technologists and executives historically haven't understood each other. This lack of understanding has added layers of complexity resulting in expensive misunderstandings for organizations as they seek to modernize. Evolved C-suites will identify this challenge and see it as an opportunity to help bridge the language gap between IT and executives.

Evolved executives will seek mentoring opportunities with tech pros to ultimately result in better use of technology for businesses. Changing the dialogue with IT means leadership won't have to distill technical jargon, and they can more effectively work toward the common goal of ensuring business performance.


About the Author



Leon's 30 years of network and systems management and monitoring experience spans the financial, healthcare, food and beverage, and other industries, with 20 years focused specifically on monitoring and management.

Before he was a SolarWinds Head Geek, Adato was a SolarWinds software user for over a decade. He launched his IT career in 1989 and his expertise led him through roles as a classroom instructor, courseware designer, desktop support tech, server support engineer, and software distribution expert.
Published Thursday, January 02, 2020 7:38 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2020>