Virtualization Technology News and Information
Nasuni 2020 Predictions: Cloud-washing, consolidation and continued rapid data growth

VMblog Predictions 2020 

Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2020.  Read them in this 12th annual series exclusive.

By Russ Kennedy, chief product officer, Nasuni

Cloud-washing, consolidation and continued rapid data growth

It's no secret that data is growing at an amazing pace and IDC predicts global data to reach 175 zettabytes by 2025. But what can we expect in 2020 and the meantime? We will see technology providers continue to prepare for the data deluge, maneuvering to put themselves in position to capitalize as the migration to the cloud marches on.

●      Beware of "cloud-washing": Legacy storage systems were designed to work on-premises. As more enterprises execute their cloud-first strategies, the market for on-prem equipment is shrinking. Those storage vendors will try to retain their market share by attempting to simply port their systems to the cloud which will not be efficient or easy to use - hallmarks of using the cloud. In many cases, managing the operations of these environments will grow more complex, exacerbated by data and applications being housed partly on-premises while still trying to enable fast access to global users.

●      Continued consolidation of cloud-based companies: The success of cloud providers like AWS and Google have not gone unnoticed and other companies are eager to claim their piece of the pie. Cloud-friendly and cloud-native technologies are now in high-demand, especially with legacy IT vendors. 2020 will see more mergers and acquisitions of cloud-based companies, like Veeam in January.

●      Data growth will accelerate: Data is doubling at a rate of every two to three years. In 2020, we will see growth accelerate significantly. This will be driven by higher resolution cameras both on mobile devices and video surveillance, more 4K video content being produced, IoT data, genomic research, three-dimensional medical images and more. File size and number will also increase much faster, causing organizations to examine their strategies for data storage, protection and access.

We can be certain that the cloud has arrived and enterprises are looking to this resource more and more to transform their businesses. Moving forward, the cloud won't just be another pool to store the growing amounts of data, but it will be the platform with which businesses expect to easily manipulate and analyze data. The cloud-friendly approaches will rule in 2020 as businesses spread and grow faster.


About the Author

Russ Kennedy 

Russ Kennedy drives product innovation at Nasuni, leading the company's product management, planning, and roadmap efforts. He has a maniacal focus on ensuring Nasuni customers derive maximum benefit from our technology.

Russ is a well-known and highly regarded storage industry executive, with more than 25 years of experience developing software and hardware solutions to address exponential data growth. Before Nasuni, Russ directed product strategy at private cloud object storage pioneer Cleversafe through its $1.3 billion acquisition by IBM. While Russ was helping transition the product to what is now IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS), he began working with IBM partner Nasuni, and became convinced Nasuni's cloud-native global file system is the only data management technology that truly exploits the strengths of object storage.

Earlier in his career, Russ served in a variety of product management and development roles, most notably at StorageTek (acquired by Sun Microsystems), where he brought several industry-leading products to market.

He has a BS degree in Computer Science from Colorado State University and an MBA degree from the University of Colorado.

Published Monday, January 27, 2020 7:45 AM by David Marshall
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<January 2020>