Virtualization Technology News and Information
How to Become an Amazon Affiliate Site
Blogging is a fun and cathartic activity. It gives many people around the world an outlet for their ideas, and can also be a great way for someone to make a little extra money on the side.

But how do you make money blogging?

The idea of making money blogging seems foreign to many, but it is more common than you might think. One of the simplest ways a blog can generate income is by becoming an Amazon Affiliate. The Amazon Affiliate program, also called Amazon Associates, is a simple way to monetize a preexisting website.

Here's how.

What Is the Amazon Affiliate Program?

Before you join, here is what you need to known about the Amazon Affiliate program. It is a free marketing program which any blog and website can join. Bloggers and website owners can generate income by marketing products on their site and using affiliate links. When a reader clicks on a link and buys the associated product, some of that money is reimbursed to the website owner.

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How to Become Affiliated

There are four main steps to follow to become an Amazon Affiliate. They are:

  1. Create a blog or website
  2. Go to the Amazon Associates webpage
  3. Build an Amazon Associates profile
  4. Create Affiliate links

These steps sound simple, but take some online navigation. First and foremost, you need to have an active blog or website. It is best to already have some content before becoming an Amazon Affiliate. This demonstrates to your readers that you are legitimate and not just trying to sell products. You can make a blog or website using some simple options like WordPress or Wix. You can also try programming from scratch.

Next, you need to go to the Amazon Associates webpage. This is found on and requires you to either make a new Amazon account or use a preexisting one. There are several different forms to fill out, so be prepared to write down information so you can copy it when connecting your website to the affiliate account.

The third step is creating your Amazon Associates profile. To do so, you need to enter your account information and copy over some numbers. You then need to enter your website address or YouTube profile and verify that it belongs to you. Next, enter your preferred store ID. You need to explain what your website hopes to target, and what kind of products you are interested in marketing.

You are not done with the third step. You need to explain how you intend to drive traffic to your blog or website (such as through SEO tactics). Then, add your personal information and wait for verification. Then you are done!

Your last step is to create the actual Amazon Affiliate links. These are where you market or review products and add the affiliate links to make some money blogging.


Becoming an Amazon Affiliate is a simple and straightforward procedure. All you need is a preexisting website, some drive, and good content to keep people coming back.


Published Monday, April 20, 2020 1:30 PM by David Marshall
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<April 2020>