Virtualization Technology News and Information
Zerto Honors KIND Snacks as the Inaugural 'IT Resilience Innovator'

Zerto has today announced that KIND Snacks is the first organization to be recognized by Zerto as an ‘IT Resilience Innovator.' This new program has been created to highlight organizations who seek to build a world of uninterrupted technology, move beyond traditional IT, and push the boundaries of digital transformation.

The IT Resilience Innovator program focuses on organizations and IT professionals who are adopting resiliency projects and initiatives to drive digital transformation and inspire others to think differently about legacy approaches to data protection. Through these projects, IT Resilience Innovators are ushering in the future of IT and setting their business up for success. They are leveraging new techniques and technology and leading the IT industry in the areas of disaster recovery, data protection, and cloud with the ultimate goal being to protect their business from any disruption. 

"To keep up with the changing demands of their customers, companies need to offer 100% uptime, and, to get there, they will have to look outside of traditional backup capabilities," explained Avi Raichel, CIO at Zerto. "Unlike many other organizations that wait for a disaster to strike before investing in a disaster recovery solution, KIND has been prioritizing DR for years as a way to stay up and running in the event of a problem. It's an approach that deserves recognition as an example of best practice."

"On our journey to IT resilience we learned we can't just protect one application - we need to protect the whole company from our ERP to everything else," explained Joe Jbeily, senior manager, infrastructure and security operations at KIND Snacks. "We have one of the best teams available, and they're putting us in a position to rely on our own tools to protect KIND and build a truly resilient organization."

KIND Snacks is being honored for its approach to resilience and disaster recovery, which it views as a strategic priority to keep its 24/7 business running. In 2019, the company reengineered and redesigned its ecommerce platform with a modernization initiative that has enabled them to remain agile and resilient in the face of COVID-19. From operations, to reporting, to packaging, their ability to quickly pivot in the changing market and accommodate shopper needs in real time during an unprecedented pandemic makes them stand out as an IT Resilience Innovator.

In an effort to continue teaching the IT industry about best practices and set standards around what it means to be IT resilient today, Zerto is opening the program to accept nominations from other companies that are demonstrating resilient operations. To see if your company qualifies and to find out more about the program, visit this link
Published Tuesday, June 30, 2020 10:15 AM by David Marshall
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<June 2020>