Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2021. Read them in this 13th annual series exclusive.
IoT Security Concerns for 2021
By Curtis Simpson, CISO at Armis
saw IoT and connected devices exploding. As enterprises rapidly shifted to
remote work, they had many new devices, most they didn't know about as they
couldn't see them, being connected
putting the corporate network at further risk. Overwhelmed hospitals relied on
connected medical devices to manage unprecedented situations in high-pressure
environments. The retail supply chain saw increased use of robotic arms on
manufacturing lines, connected forklifts in fulfillment centers, and smart
sensors enabling track-and-trace delivery monitoring.
2021, we can expect IoT and unmanaged devices to continue playing a major role
in the lives of every organization across verticals. From retail to education
to city infrastructure to new office settings, IoT and unmanaged connected
devices will continue to pose major cybersecurity risks and organizations must
have the visibility into all in order to prevent a successful attack.
The Top
3 Security Threats in 2021
Botnets pose the single largest security threat in 2021. It's not a stretch to assume that just about any individual or
organization can be taken down considering the size of some of the botnets
we've seen recently. For example, earlier in 2020 we saw what has been
attributed to the Fancy Bear or APT28 botnet shutdown trading on the New
Zealand stock exchange for 4 straight days, despite highly collaborative public
and private defense efforts that escalated with each impacted day. We will
continue to see highly detrimental botnet attacks, such as the stock exchange
attack, but likely ever more focused on supply chain weaknesses exposed by the
pandemic. In parallel, we will see
botnets continue to grow exponentially through the exploitation of consumer
devices. As bad actors are more than
aware of the changes in remote work, the same compromised devices in the home
that have been added to botnets (TVs, modems, smart lighting, etc.) will be
used to exfiltrate data from consumer networks.
Why? It's more likely than ever
that information stolen from consumer networks can be used to break into the
larger prize: enterprises and governments.
We will see more ransom-based attacks in 2021, particularly in OT
environments. Most OT security practitioners are just
starting to understand the risks they're up against and build strategies around
them. The attack patterns from the last year are consistent and we can expect
to see more of them - especially in the energy industry. The worst case scenario is a widespread power
grid outage that impacts a large part of the US, which I don't believe is all
that far-fetched. With recent
vulnerability disclosures in protection measures harkening back to Stuxnet and
Triton and corresponding warnings from intelligence agencies, there are even
concerns that some adversaries are truly focused on arming themselves with
destructive capabilities that can do material damage to companies and nations.
We will see an uptick in attacks targeting healthcare. We saw the devastating success of such attacks in 2020; the fact that
they're working combined with the reality that healthcare practitioners are
delivering more tech-enabled services to patients than ever before, means
unfortunately we can expect to see more damaging attacks in 2021.
Intersection of 5G + Smart Cities
2021 will bring advancements in smart city infrastructure - primarily
those that are directly tied to reopening businesses and addressing public
safety - but the fact that most of these advancements will be powered by 5G
increases the risk factor dramatically. The speed at
which smart cities advance depends on the pace of 5G, and at this rate, we can
expect to see significant developments in 2021.
Many newly manufactured form factors of devices will be connected to
newly formed networks, intended to connect everything regardless of its
location in a smart city. While we'll start to see innovative applications of
connected devices flourish - smart kiosks that disperse public safety
information; drone services that deliver goods to vulnerable populations like
the elderly; city-owned autonomous vehicles - most manufacturers and networks
have yet to effectively secure the IoT that powers the world of today. A world where a smart phone may have the
ability to exploit vulnerable smart kiosks or drones running on an interconnected
network that initially, is primarily monitored and secured only by service
providers may soon be a reality.
Lines between Consumer & Enterprise IoT Get Blurrier
Remote work is here to stay and hackers will double down on attacks
targeting in-home connected devices in 2021. Two
reasons: the relatively high number of unmanaged and IoT devices in peoples'
homes and the fact that most people rarely, if ever, patch their devices.
Consider all of the connected devices in peoples' homes: smart TVs, smart
speakers, game consoles, routers, firewalls, to name a few. When you consider
that the average family has about 10 unmanaged and IoT devices in their homes,
compared with 1-2 computers, it's understandable why hackers would want to go
after the larger attack surface. Combine that with peoples' tendency to ignore
patches, and you have a winning strategy for hackers. Take the CallStranger
vulnerability from 2020, for instance. This was a vulnerability within a
universal plug-and-play protocol used by most smart devices that allows hackers
to bypass security systems and fully take over devices if they haven't been
patched. It can be exploited without anyone ever knowing, and there are
hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of game consoles, routers, firewalls,
etc. that are potentially vulnerable. With remote work extending into 2021 and
likely beyond in some capacity, it is now the responsibility of businesses to
educate and train employees on in-home connected device vulnerabilities and
patching to prevent attacks that could impact the corporate network.
Smart Office of the Future
When offices reopen, they will
look far different from those we left behind in March 2020. I predict we'll see
four new trends emerge:
1) People will bring new devices
into the office after having relied on them more at home. Lifestyles changed and new habits were formed over the past year, and
employees will take the connected devices that have enabled these habits and
routines into the office. For example, maybe an employee bought a smartwatch to
better respond to emails on the go so they could get out of their house more
during the day. Now that they're reliant on it, that smartwatch is coming with
them back to the office. Other devices - smart pens, smart tablets - will also
accompany employees' return to the office, presenting a greater potential
attack surface for IT leaders to be aware of and control.
New devices will be introduced to address companies' return-to-office strategies. These could range
from smart lighting to utilization sensors that tell you how office space is
being used by different groups in real time. While more connected devices
generally means more innovation, it also means a greater attack surface. The new devices and processes that are
implemented in 2021 will need to undergo continuous monitoring to maintain
safety. With these changes expected to
occur rapidly, the ability to continuously discover and monitor devices to
determine if they pose an immediate threat will be more important and effective
than attempting to retain control over every potential device that may be
3) Enterprises will take new
precautions in the name of creating safer environments. Depending on the impact of the vaccine on the current pandemic
situation, we may or may not see a growing number of businesses introduce new
devices in support of public safety measures.
In regions where lockdowns continue to occur and subsequently lead to
increased public safety requirements, businesses will be required to invest in
new processes and technology to remain viable and profitable. Many enterprises will even develop long-term
contact-tracing capabilities, once again in the name of viability and
profitability in case of a future pandemic of any sort. These refactored work environments will only
expand upon the rate at which IoT devices are introduced, further growing the
potential attack surface, with potential health-related impacts.
4) There will be more in-office
virus testing. If we're in this pandemic for years,
it's likely we'll see a test flow into a central system, with central awareness
into who's been affected to enable rapid contact tracing.
About the Author
As the CISO at Armis, Curtis Simpson is responsible
for ensuring that the Armis product continues to maintain its high standard and
vigilant focus on platform and customer security and privacy. Prior to Armis,
he was the CISO at Sysco, a Fortune 54 corporation. As Vice President and
Global CISO at Sysco, Curtis directed a portfolio of innovative and
effective business-focused security and compliance programs responsible for
reducing security risks faced by a global organization.