NS1 and Com Laude
announced that the two companies are aligning their shared passion for
exceptional performance by entering into an exciting new partnership. Through
their combined service offering they will bring improved integrated DNS and
domain management services for enterprises.
As the
world becomes more reliant on digital services and applications, the ability to
ensure secure, performant, and consistent online user experiences is
business-critical. However, in their efforts to achieve this, enterprises face
many challenges - such as network capacity limitations, thwarting malicious
threats to their domain names, and reliance on legacy technologies - which can
lead to poor user experiences, driving away customers and tarnishing their
NS1 and
Com Laude are working together to improve domain services for Com Laude clients
with a new, modern tech stack and management platform that consolidates their
services. As part of the partnership, NS1 provides resilient DNS for Com
Laude's global enterprise client base, with NS1's modern, software-defined
Managed DNS services.
NS1 and Com Laude provide the most comprehensive domain management services,
delivering enhanced domain name protection and improved performance for
exceptional user experiences," said Stacy Desrosiers, senior director of
channel and strategic partnerships at NS1. "NS1's infrastructure is built for
security, redundancy, and performance at a global scale. With our application
delivery solutions, Com Laude clients will be able to ensure consistently
exceptional application experiences, everywhere."
Laude recently launched its new management portal, providing clients with
seamless control of DNS functions in the same interface used to manage and
protect their domain name portfolio. They can also add advanced application traffic intelligence and automation capabilities with NS1's
Filter Chain and Pulsar.
These features help to mitigate risk and support business resilience, enabling
companies to achieve the highest levels of brand loyalty and trust while
protecting online revenue streams.
"We are
thrilled to offer NS1's superior range of DNS services and advanced traffic
management capabilities. They are an exceptional partner, ensuring smooth
onboarding and tailored support for Com Laude and our clients during the
transition," said Glenn Hayward, Com Laude's CEO. "Working with NS1 ensures
that our client's critical domain names are supported on the most resilient,
secure, and fastest networks. We pride ourselves on delivering the very best
client experiences - working with NS1 enables our clients to benefit from the
very best next generation DNS management services."