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Productiv 2022 Predictions: Data-Driven IT Decision-Making Will Power Digital Work Experience

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Industry executives and experts share their predictions for 2022.  Read them in this 14th annual series exclusive.

Data-Driven IT Decision-Making Will Power Digital Work Experience

By Jody Shapiro, CEO and Co-Founder of Productiv

In 2021, new vaccines for COVID-19 were introduced, and hope grew that life might return to normal. But as new, more infectious variants cropped up, companies delayed their return-to-office plans. As a result, remote and hybrid work arrangements remain common, and employers have to work hard to make sure their employees have the right tools to do their jobs, no matter where they are sitting. As we look towards 2022, we think remote and hybrid work will continue at a high level, but new trends will appear as well.

In working with customers, and from our own experiences, we've developed a unique point of view as to how companies use SaaS and other technologies in today's fast-changing work environment. We've used these insights to offer some predictions for 2022.

  • SaaS Sprawl is Spiraling Out of Control in 2022
    • The pandemic jumped the use of SaaS forward by perhaps a decade, and no company is saying they intend to have less SaaS in the future. Many employees are now using dozens of applications like Zoom, Slack and Miro to better collaborate and communicate. But when hundreds of SaaS apps are being used by thousands of employees, IT must manage millions (!) of per-user licenses in real time to keep pace with the needs of the business. Tech executives will need to better measure and track SaaS use to ensure compliance and security, and to drive adoption, all while also ensuring employees are using the right sets of tools.
  • Permission Management Will Become a Primary Concern
    • As employees change jobs, departments or companies, permission management, throughout the employee lifecycle, will become as important as license management for security, compliance and data governance. CIOs will need to shift from role-based permissions management to employee-based permissions management; authorization and access based on the individuals and the job functions they need to perform.
  • Sustainability Will Increasingly Drive IT Decision-Making
    • Sustainability, or Green IT, is now on most board agendas and will become an increasingly important component of IT decision criteria. We see this trend  accelerating the move to cloud-hosted and usage-based subscription models. I predict that organizations will move to reduce their direct impacts, using smarter provisioning and supply chain insights, and will encourage their suppliers, such as cloud providers, to more rapidly reduce their own impacts as well.
  • IT: From ‘No' to ‘Yes', and Not Just the Traffic Cop Anymore
    • In 2022, companies will realize that IT should be a critical component of business strategy, not just an internal organization that implements software and polices the use of technology. An IT department with an empowerment mindset that carefully tracks the way tech is used and provides insights and recommendations to improve productivity, security, compliance -- and ultimately support rapid growth -- is an essential partner to the executive suite.

As the business world continues to grapple with an unpredictable virus, and a fast-changing world of work, IT will need flexibility, creativity - and accurate data. Employees increasingly are asking for a choice about where they work, so CIOs need to be able to provide the best digital work experience to meet that demand. At the same time, while SaaS remains a valuable tool, it's important that companies remember that SaaS apps are a better servant than master. Enterprises that can accurately see what SaaS they are using can better manage costs and compliance.



Jody Shapiro 

Jody Shapiro is CEO and co-founder of Productiv, the data-driven SaaS intelligence platform. Productiv enables CIOs and IT teams to understand exactly how employees are using SaaS, allowing IT organizations to drive better employee experience and productivity while freeing up their own team's time with automated workflows and deep analytics. Previously Jody was at Google, where he led the Google Analytics team, as Google Analytics grew to become the de facto measurement tool for most websites around the world.

Published Tuesday, February 01, 2022 7:32 AM by David Marshall
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<February 2022>