Virtualization Technology News and Information
How to Organize Your Data: What is Cloud Orchestration?

The ‘cloud' has become a commonplace term across the world. Data that used to be stored on handheld devices like USBs or hard disks are now being stored online in a digital vault simply known as the cloud. Developers have increasingly been optimizing cloud storage options, and creating better infrastructure for cloud adoption over the last few years.

This data encompasses about anything you'd want to save: photos, videos, documents and more. The modern cloud attack surface is complex and presents challenges when securing endpoints, servers, containers, and cloud providers. Continued adopting and evolving cloud-based infrastructure require cloud-native security analytics to adapt quickly, open source software provides the foundations that make it easy to focus on each unique requirement.

A 2022 Cloudwards report predicts that over 100 Zettabytes of data will be stored in the cloud by 2025. 1 zettabyte equals 1 billion terabytes, equivalent to 1 trillion gigabytes, and so on. It's difficult to fully comprehend the massive volume of data that is being stored in online servers around the world. This data encompasses anything you'd want to save: photos, videos, documents, and more.

As cloud saves grow, so does the need for multi-cloud management. There are currently three kinds of cloud computing available: public, which third-party providers operate; private, which is used by one corporation and hybrid, which combines both private, and public clouds. The sheer volume of data being transferred across clouds led to the creation of a new cloud-deployment structure called cloud orchestration.


Image Sourced from Cloudwords

What is Cloud Orchestration?

Cloud Orchestration organizes and coordinates automated cloud-computing actions, creating an amalgamated workflow that makes monitoring and tracking data easier. This process incorporates various workloads, apps and other resources, and refines operations, optimizing delivery times. This is usually used during a specific project with particular objectives. The automation process creates a workflow ideal for that project.

Engineers use cloud orchestration to deploy servers, assign storage for specific data types, use Virtual Machines (VMs), and manage various software programs across clouds. There are a lot of advantages to cloud orchestration. These include increased collaboration between developers and engineers, reduced IT costs, and reduced chances of human error. Let's take a deeper look at the benefits of cloud orchestration.

What Are the Benefits of Cloud Orchestration?

Cloud orchestration offers numerous benefits to businesses and individuals:

1.   Increased Operational Efficiency

Cloud orchestration adds flexibility to operations, and optimizes these tasks. The automation that enables orchestration to work brings individual tasks together and creates more comprehensive and efficient workflows that allow analysts, developers, and engineers to access data and resources as, and when required. For example, an analyst studying Databricks SQL analytics won't have to access different clouds to get this information.

This process also makes it easier for project managers to understand their workflow. Cloud orchestration brings scattered databases, networks, servers, storage, and other resources together. It integrates these elements, and helps them work in perfect harmony, increasing efficiency in operational tasks. Bringing together all your data in this way can make your data analytics process more efficient.

2.   Supporting DevOps Initiatives

Cloud orchestration ensures that DevOps access relevant resources quickly, and efficiently. It uses chargebacks and metering to boost this efficiency, creating a flexible process that DevOps can take advantage of. Another way in which automation accomplishes this is through the delegation of tasks. Successful orchestration automatically assigns low-priority tasks to different resources, freeing up precious time for DevOps to work.

It also acts as an automatic problem solver without human intervention. This can be incredibly useful in the manufacturing industry, where developers have to continuously work behind the scenes to ensure smooth B2B, and B2C experiences. An analyst unable to run a manufacturing industry data analysis can work the kinks out themselves through orchestration instead of having to loop the developers in, saving their time.


3.   Enhanced Security and Visibility

Organizations feel safer when they use cloud orchestration to automate their workflows because it reduces or eliminates the need for human intervention. If the process weren't automated, the business would have to spend extra budget allocating resources for troubleshooting every error that popped up. Cloud-native security analytics looks at the option for continued growth while evolving realistically, identifying malware or many other tasks, including gathering intelligence.

A cloud orchestration system can also help securely store files across clouds. Businesses work with sensitive and critical contracts, which, if leaked, would cause chaos. This isn't an issue with automated cloud management. Employees can use contract template software to draft these agreements then store them in the cloud, knowing they'll be safe. Plus, they can access them anytime through the system.

Cloud Orchestration Solutions

There are several factors to look for when picking the cloud orchestration that's right for your business:

  • Usability and ease of access: pick a platform that provides a relatively simple user interface to increase efficiency, and reduce learning time.
  • Cost effectiveness: be wary of paying more for a service you can snag for cheaper elsewhere. Compare utility, and quality against the price before you decide to invest in a specific platform.
  • User interface: cloud orchestration programs can be challenging to understand, so make sure you pick one that isn't multi-layered or unnecessarily complicated. This will also benefit your team.
  • Integrations: look for a flexible platform to integrate the resources you need, even if they're external programs.

Once you've decided on these factors, it's time to look through available resources, and pick one.


Cloud Orchestration Resources

Here are some platforms to consider:

  • Cloudify
  • Cyclr
  • Cloudbolt
  • Kubernetes
  • BMC Multi-Cloud Management
  • CloudHealth

The Future of Cloud Orchestration

Cloud orchestration is becoming increasingly popular as businesses around the world look for smart solutions to decrease their cloud-computing footprint. It's important that organizations utilize this automated process fully because numerous companies are now working with remote or hybrid working models. A platform that combines important databases and networks is critical to creating a smooth workflow across teams, and departments, whether offline or in-person.

These platforms will grow in importance as developers come up with new tech and methods to deploy cloud computing. It's vital to keep training employees to work with cloud orchestration platforms so they don't waste time getting bogged down in confusion. Frequent learning sessions and skill refreshes can ensure increased productivity, and better workflow in the organization.


Pohan Lin - Senior Web Marketing and Localizations Manager #1:

Pohan Lin 

Pohan Lin is the Senior Web Marketing and Localizations Manager at Databricks, a global Data, AI and solution for QoS provider connecting the features of data warehouses and data lakes to create lakehouse architecture. With over 18 years of experience in web marketing, online SaaS business, and ecommerce growth. Pohan is passionate about innovation and is dedicated to communicating the significant impact data has in marketing. Pohan Lin also published articles for domains such as SME News.

Published Thursday, September 29, 2022 7:30 AM by David Marshall
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<September 2022>