Virtualization Technology News and Information
CALL & CONTACT CENTER EXPO LAS VEGAS 2023 - The ultimate exhibition for the customer engagement industry

Call & Contact Center Expo is returning to Las Vegas Convention Center on April 26th & 27th 2023.

At the ultimate exhibition for the customer engagement industry, delegates will have the opportunity to meet with pioneers from across the sector. You don't want to miss this chance to discover the secrets of the most successful players in the industry.

83% of customers that reach out to a call and contact center say they expect to interact with someone immediately. With demands growing, Call & Contact Center Expo will present ideas on how to speed up your handling times, utilize autonomous tech and make the process seamless for both your staff and customers. This unmissable showcase of the latest products and services to implement into your business will also feature insights into immersive technologies, data security and the ways in which you can manage employee productivity.

At Call & Contact Center Expo you, alongside thousands of other like-minded professionals will be fully immersed in the world of advanced software, specialized for your business. With over 200 exhibitors, and their plethora of innovative products, ideas and strategies, this is an incredible opportunity to discover the  latest trends and advancements you need to stay ahead of the game. Hours of seminars and masterclasses packed into this busy 2-day experience will ensure that you take insightful tips from a range of organizations, with thousands of solutions to set your business apart.

The two keynote theaters will be host to the most influential speakers in the world. Hear from representatives from Google, AT&T, CVS, Amazon, and more!

Save the 26th & 27th of April in your calendar and keep updated on the latest news, latest speakers and seminars announcements by visiting the website and following the Call & Contact Center Expo on LinkedIn.

Published Tuesday, March 14, 2023 7:50 AM by David Marshall
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<March 2023>