Trellix Drive Encryption upgrades for on-premises
and SaaS management. Customers benefit from the flexibility needed for
encryption protection deployment to safeguard their data and devices from
unauthorized access.
majority of lost and stolen assets reported this past year resulted in a data disclosure, making it essential for organizations to have strong drive
encryption implementation," said Gareth Maclachlan, Chief Product Officer,
Trellix. "Trellix continuously innovates our encryption offerings to provide
industry-leading protection against data leaks and improve our customers'
security postures."
Drive Encryption offers enhanced security against insider attacks with new
self-protection capabilities, addressing threats from privilege escalations.
Organizations can deploy protection for employee devices to prevent data
breaches, produce reports on the encryption status of devices inside and
outside the network, and administer policies in a single console.
this release enables a simplified migration process for customers who want to
transition from on-premises to SaaS management, maintaining their encryption
keys throughout the deployment. For customers who choose SaaS management, the
processes for user assignment and user management have been streamlined to
reduce work effort by approximately 25%.
The solution complements
Trellix's comprehensive data encryption portfolio, including Trellix Native
Drive Encryption and Trellix File & Removable Media Protection.