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Two members of the Xen Project (Stefano Stabellini and Russell Pavlicek) provide a few predictions into what they think will happen with cloud computing in 2016 and beyond.... Read More...
Corporate management consultant and author Margaret J. Wheatley once wrote "Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful."... Read More...
As 2015 draws to a close and our scepter'd isle is buffeted by yet another winter storm (this time one with the unassuming name Storm Frank but which is anything but as it gathers pace and kicks on towards the North Pole apparently) it is time to reflect on the last twelve months and call out three ... Read More...
Operational Intelligence gained traction in 2015, as more enterprises began realizing the benefits of analyzing live, fast-changing data to gain immediate business insights. In 2016, organizations will take the next step as they find new ways to use in-memory computing as an enabling technology for ... Read More...
Over the past several years we have seen the ups and downs in the market, especially within the world of virtualization and cloud computing. When we look into the future, based on our interaction with companies of all sizes across many industries, and seeing how the market is trending, we predict th... Read More...
Every business knows the importance of good data protection, so I know what you're thinking: "My data is protected perfectly fine and I perform full backups each and every day." But what are you doing to protect against disaster events? An extended power outage, flood, or fire can make your critica... Read More...
The notion that application and desktop virtualization are no longer buzzwords is a clear sign that these technologies have matured and gained mainstream adoption. However, the end-user computing landscape is ever-changing. We continue to see the platform providers - Citrix and VMware - compete wit... Read More...
In 2016, companies will move more operations than ever to public cloud environments (i.e., Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud) where they gain the flexibility to apply IT resources as needed for maximum efficiency and cost savings.... Read More...
No More Mall Cop Security for SMBs: Privacy, Compliance, and Encryption Tools are moving from Niche Markets into Mainstream.... Read More...
The days of wireless carriers offering unlimited data plans for consumers are a distant memory, and more change is in the wind. In much the same way wireless carriers charge consumers for data use, telecommunications companies will soon be charging businesses for streaming data over the Internet.... Read More...
Next year, organizations in highly regulated industries will increase their use of cloud solutions to support and complement their existing technology infrastructure.... Read More...
More companies will IPO at valuations equal or below that of their last round. Public institutional investors, once eager to get in before the IPO, will increasingly pass on late-stage deals and wait for the public offering. Except for a select group of high fliers, late-stage companies will be for... Read More...
In 2015, it seemed like the hybrid cloud and disaster recovery were on the cusp of making it to the mainstream. I believe that in 2016, both will push their way up to the front of the line when it comes to must-haves for enterprises. I'm not alone in this thinking. In a recent Forrester report, anal... Read More...
To stay relevant in today's ever-changing society it is important for all aspects of business to evolve along with the times of today. The way in which we rely on enterprise printing solutions has evolved steadily over the years in cohesion with technological advancements. The journey of evolution v... Read More...
The cloud market is rapidly growing and evolving, and its developments in 2015 have prepared the space for an even more interesting climate to take hold in the coming year. Since many companies in 2015 were already incorporating the public cloud into their business operations, especially through use... Read More...