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Lift and Shift Backup and Disaster Recovery Scenario for Google Cloud: Step by Step Guide
There are many new challenges, and reasons, to migrate workloads to the cloud. Especially for public cloud, like Google Cloud Platform. Whether it is for backup, disaster recovery, or production in the cloud, you should be able to leverage the cloud platform to solve your technology challenges. In this step-by-step guide, we outline how GCP is positioned to be one of the easiest cloud platforms for app development. And, the critical role data protection as-as-service (DPaaS) can play.

There are many new challenges, and reasons, to migrate workloads to the cloud.

For example, here are four of the most popular:

  • Analytics and Machine learning (ML) are everywhere. Once you have your data in a cloud platform like Google Cloud Platform, you can leverage their APIs to run analytics and ML on everything.
  • Kubernetes is powerful and scalable, but transitioning legacy apps to Kubernetes can be daunting.
  • SAP HANA is a secret weapon. With high mem instances in the double digit TeraBytes migrating SAP to a cloud platform is easier than ever.
  • Serverless is the future for application development. With CloudSQL, Big Query, and all the other serverless solutions, cloud platforms like GCP are well positioned to be the easiest platform for app development.

Whether it is for backup, disaster recovery, or production in the cloud, you should be able to leverage the cloud platform to solve your technology challenges. In this step-by-step guide, we outline how GCP is positioned to be one of the easiest cloud platforms for app development. And, the critical role data protection as-as-service (DPaaS) can play.