In the build-up to
IP EXPO at Earls Court on 20-21 October, a survey of 130 of the UK's top
IT managers shows that they would consider losing their IP network more
damaging to their business than losing telephone or web presence.
However, over half the respondents felt that their companies were not
using their IP networks most effectively and lack the funds to do so.
survey was carried out by IP EXPO 2010, the UK's largest end-to-end IT
infrastructure event. Of the professionals surveyed, an overwhelming 65%
said IP network outage would be most damaging to their business. This
was some distance ahead of mobile or fixed phone outage, ranked second
at 21%, while loss of web presence was third.
this is a strong indicator of the importance of IP networks to the
running of the modern day business, IT managers want to make them even
more essential. Of the 130 respondents who will be attending the IP
EXPO, 80 stated that they did not feel they were using IP networks to
their full potential, and although the benefits of IP networks are well
understood 78 expressed frustrations in obtaining funds.
Malik, Content Director for Imago Techmedia commented: "Over the past
few years we have been seeing a steady stream of services moving across
to IP, from applications shared across organisations through to
sophisticated communications services. The survey reflects this: IP
networks are now mission-critical. Lose your IP at your peril."