Virtualization Technology News and Information
Zerto Announces ZertoCON 2017 Award Winners for Hybrid Cloud and BC/DR Excellence

Zerto, an award-winning provider of enterprise IT resilience cloud solutions, today announced the ZertoCON 2017 Award winners from its second annual user conference. At the industry's premier BC/DR conference, customers, partners and industry experts discussed a wide range of data recovery, cloud strategies, and leading practices that help increase IT resilience.

Zerto honored 10 winners across eight award categories that recognize their successes and commitment using Zerto's solutions, and also featured the Engineering Death Match competition winner.

  • Zerto Advocate: Presented to individuals who have gone above and beyond to evangelize on Zerto and its products. Winner, customer: Matt Vanderpool, Capitol Federal; Winner, reseller: John White, Expedient
  • Master of Disaster: A customer that has used Zerto Virtual Replication to recover from a catastrophic event and save the day when all hope seemed lost. Winner: Tom Kerrigan, Dotwell
  • Innovation: A customer that has used Zerto technology outside a typical BC/DR use case. Winner: Kronos
  • Collaboration: Presented to a partner that exhibited extraordinary teamwork with Zerto to make a project a success. Winner: Microsoft
  • Rising Star: A partner whose marketing, sales or branding makes them a mover and shaker in the Zerto ecosystem. Winner: IBM
  • Reseller of the Year: A reseller that has driven exceptional levels of revenue, market share and growth through their Zerto BC/DR business. Winner: Trace3
  • Cloud Partner of the Year: A cloud partner that has driven exceptional levels of revenue, market share and growth through their Zerto BC/DR business. Winner, Worldwide: iland; Europe Middle East and Africa: Exponential-e
  • Engineering Death Match: Winner: Jeff McKaughan, Network Engineer II - Val Verde Unified School District

"The tremendous success of our second ZertoCON was driven by heavy involvement and expertise of our partners and customers, who are deploying our software for very innovative and strategic use cases," said Ziv Kedem, CEO, Zerto. "As a driving force central to Zerto's accomplishments, we are thrilled to show our appreciation for supporting their IT and business needs with Zerto."

Published Thursday, June 08, 2017 1:42 PM by David Marshall
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<June 2017>