Virtualization Technology News and Information
Instana Pipeline Feedback Integrates Automated APM with CI/CD Application Releases

Instana, a leading provider of automated Application Performance Management (APM) solutions for dynamic microservice applications, announced the availability of Instana Pipeline Feedback for application release tracking and analysis.

The new Pipeline Feedback capabilities create the first APM solution to automatically integrate application development and deployment events. In addition to the release of the Pipeline Feedback system, today's announcement covers additional new functionality:

  • Automatic tracking and performance feedback of Application Releases
  • Integration with Jenkins for automatic identification of new releases

"As application teams strive for higher velocity in their deployment processes, they require immediate feedback whenever changes occur," said Pete Abrams, Instana co-founder and COO. "Instana Pipeline Feedback tracks and isolates application release performance, notifying developers and DevOps of issues within seconds."

Pipeline Feedback is included with Instana's automated APM solution that maps, visualizes and manages microservice applications, delivering the actionable data that application teams need to provide high quality applications. The new CI/CD process management capabilities are included at no additional cost.

Instana's automated Application Performance Monitoring (APM) solution discovers application service components and application infrastructure, including Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Docker. The tool automatically deploys monitoring sensors for each part of the application technology stack and traces all application requests - without requiring any human configuration or even application restarts. The solution detects changes in the application environment in real-time, adjusting its own models and visualizing the changes and impacts to performance in seconds.

For application development and deployment teams, Instana APM with Pipeline Feedback is a powerful tool to understand the quality of new software deployments. Whenever a software release is deployed, Jenkins notifies Instana Pipeline Feedback, which isolates each new service or piece of code, builds application performance reports, and compares service and application health to pre-release health and performance.

Like other Instana capabilities, Pipeline Feedback is automatic and provides actionable data in seconds - providing DevOps and Developers the immediate feedback they need to know that new releases are performing as expected. The new functionality is being showcased at the JenkinsWorld / DevOps World Conference.

Published Thursday, August 15, 2019 11:42 AM by David Marshall
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<August 2019>